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Tuesday, September 06, 2005


So we ended up going to the S'n'S general meeting on Saturday, but only because Katie had to be in the Rumors act. It didn't seem too crowded, but the chicken got devoured pretty quickly. I thought the Rumors scene went well, and I hope that lots of freshpeople join S'n'S to bear the torch (as it were). And no, we didn't go to the board meeting the next day.

We also missed Effion's memorial. I think it was because I had implied that I didn't really want to go to Katie, and I didn't, but I'm not sure why. It's not because I didn't want to remember Effion. I'm not sure what it was. Maybe that I was afraid of being sad? If you read BurghSpot, you know what I've been pretty emotionally devastated by the ruin and destruction that Hurrican Katrina caused in New Orleans (and the surrounding region). Maybe I had felt that I had made my peace already with Effion's death and that I didn't want to let that sadness (in addition to the Katrina sadness) flood my heart this weekend.

Whatever the reason, we missed the memorial and I now feel a little guilty about it. We went out and Katie bought me a hard drive to help try and finish the BIB/WASP DVD for Effion's parents (Adobe Premiere was giving me this weird error when I tried to render WASP), and we ended up eating at Evergreen Chinese Buffet. When we got home, we couldn't find my Windows XP CD to install the OS on the new fresh hard drive. I then switched the hard drives around a bit, but must have done something wrong, because my registry and boot record got all funky and I couldn't get XP on my old drive to start up.

So, no DVD. I ended up fooling around with some Linux installs before Tarnow lent me an XP CD that I installed last night. By this morning, I had Premiere back up and running and had gotten the data from my old drive. So, WASP was rendering when I left for work this morning (it may even be done now!) and I should - hopefully - finish the DVD soon.

Yesterday, for labor day, Katie and I went to the zoo. It was nice and had lots of animals and small children in it. We saw a little kid with a leash and the heavily-commericaled Tiger Encounter Window. The Tiger Encounter Window looked to be kind of lame at first (it's just a window, no blinds or shade or nothing), but then a tiger came over to the window and seconds later we were surrounded by little children.

Maybe I'll buy computer components to upgrade my computer and make my own TiVo today.


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