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Tuesday, August 30, 2005


I"m just full of posts today, aren't I?

This one just talks about technology news and stuff, so it might boring if you're not one of those people.

Google continues to take over the world with their release of Desktop Search (Version 2, but still Beta) and Google Talk (Beta and requires a GMail account). A little below the radar, and somewhat irrelevant because everyone and their mother now has 50 GMail invites, but GMail now allows people to sign up. Really, folks. World domination.

Apple wants to get in on this big release news, so they're on the cusp of releasing (rumor has it) an iPod cell phone.

Flickr users are angry with flickr for forcing them (sometime in 2006) to create/merge their account into Yahoo!, who bought them out earlier this year.

I'm not sure if anyone who doesn't work actually listens to Internet Radio, but this is new and actually breaks down songs and tries to identify what you would like to listen to based on factors like major key tonality, mild rhythmic syncopation, and others (unlike things like and LAUNCHCast, which are more based on users who listen to songs similar to yours).

That's all I got. No more posts today!


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