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Wednesday, August 17, 2005


I want Kelly Conway's job.

Yesterday, Grubb and Yin came over and played Primordial Soup (and Kirby Air Ride). I lost by a lot and Grubb sneaked by Yin for the victory. I probably stayed up a little later than I should have, but it was fun.

I was driving to work today and heard this story on NPR. When terrorist attacks strike New York or London, they make front page news with responses from the respective heads of the countries. I guess I'm glad I live in a country where a terrorist attack is still an unbelievable monstrosity instead of yet another deadly attack. In this instance, "the deadliest in Iraq since mid-July", two bombs hit a bus terminal and then - a little bit later - another bomb went off between the bus terminal and the nearest hospital. Why would you do that? Why would you want to kill medical teams trying to help civilians? That just seems like a double-whammy in the evil department.

Sigh. In other bombings, more than 300 simultaneous smaller bombs went off in Bangladesh today.

What's that? You want some happy news? How about this: no more P. Diddy! Sort of.


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