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Wednesday, August 10, 2005

One Two Three

After several calmer days, today was full up at work. Lots of things to do 'n 'at.

Yesterday, I went out to lunch with Greg. We at the Original Oyster House, which really serves fish sandwiches. Big fish sandwiches, though. I ate mine, and Greg's ate him. Then I forgot to tip our barman. Dang!

We also ate dinner at Steak'n Shake with Mike Yin (he had coupons) and bought a curtain rod at Bed, Bath, & Beyond (to hang the curtains we bought there two days ago), then lots of people came over. Whilst Gerrit and Mike and I played the most ridiculous game ever, others played Hoopla and something that Tasse had taught them named Contact (which is both similar to and very unlike this game which I found while trying to find a link for Contact).

My parents arrive tomorrow, which will be a nice change of pace. They're taking Katie kayaking on Friday while I work, and then we're doing who-knows-what the rest of the weekend. I need a haircut, so I don't look like a hippie when they see me.

Kingdom Hearts update: I've locked the 8 keyholes that aren't in the Hollow Bastion and I've found some 80-ish dalmations. I also completed all tasks in the 100 Acre Woods (something I hadn't accomplished last time around!). I'll probably get to Riku and unleash the stronger Heartless this weekend. Who knows what lies beyond that?


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