I like stuffing.

It’s a good side dish (or, for the adventurous, main course) that goes well with everything.  It’s flavorful enough that a small portion is all you need, but it’s easy to make enough for a large group.  It’s also something that has holiday connotations but is not restricted to only being eaten on Thanksgiving.

It’s something that I’d be proud to have in my pantry any time.

I don’t like fake progress bars.

What UI designer thought it could ever be a good idea to put something that looks like a progress bar into an installation sequence, but not have that bar mean anything?

Why would a bar, having filled up entirely (and thus, clearly having designated that the current task is done) simply start over?  It’s frustrating to the user because not only do they not know when the current task will be done (that’s something I can live with), it gives false hope and information about the length of time the task will take in reality.

I’d rather have a dot that gets bigger and smaller.  Or, how about…nothing at all?  An hourglass instead of a cursor?

But please, don’t give me a bar that fills up over and over again.  It is more than pointless; it is an outright lie, and the convention should be banned from appearing anywhere.