It doesn’t feel like a Friday today.  Maybe it’s because I started work on Tuesday this week.  Maybe it’s because the excitement of the draft tonight has given me an overabundance of blood in my brain.  Or a dearth?

My mom called me today.  She’s still in a bit of pain, but she’s well loved by her friends, who continue to come over and cook her an overabundance of food.  She has a follow-up appointment on Monday where I predict the doctor will tell her nothing but good news.

She also said that she was proud of me and really happy that I had turned out the way I had.  Well, not in so many words.  It was really nice.  I’ve always lived, as most Chinese children do, in a somewhat constant state of wondering whether I’ve disappointed my parents.  While certainly rather harrowing at times, I’m sure it’s also made me stronger in many ways.

Either way, it’s nice to hear something so direct and confidence-boosting.

What a task it is – rearing a child.  Several of my co-workers have kids or are about to have kids or just had a kid.  It’s really quite amazing.  Each of us was once a baby, our entire lives consisting of our parents and bodily functions.  And now?  Now, we’re working members of society, living on our own (or with some other grown baby that we really like), blogging independent thoughts, and considering the latest stem cell research announcement.

That’s awesome.  Isn’t it?

So that’s why I want to have children (eventually).  Because there’s nothing better or more powerful I could do with my life.

Today, however, the best and most powerful thing I can do is pick a perfect baseball team.