Katie & Scott & Simon & Cecily.

Tag: food (Page 2 of 8)

Day 272: cod:mw2

I just spent all night playing Modern Warfare 2.

I don’t usually indulge in massive game playing of a game on release day, but a combination of events led to this.

Amazon had it on sale with a promotion where I was able to get a $20 credit for future purchases if I bought it from them.  Because I’m currently in the midst of a free Amazon Prime trial, I was able to get the game with release day delivery for free.

So to take advantage of this fortuitous intersection of circumstances, I played both the single player campaign and a bit of multiplayer tonight.  It’s a good game.

The campaign is heart-pounding, suspenseful, and fun to play.  The multiplayer is just as punishing as the first Modern Warfare, but I so far have thoroughly enjoyed hitting people in the face with a riot shield while they try in vain to shoot me.

I also got to help read lines from high school plays this morning and ate shepherd’s pie for dinner.  Aside from the fact that Windows 7’s Homegroup networking, which is purported to make home networking so easy, doesn’t work, it’s been a pretty good day.

Day 262: candy

We bought too much candy.

We got 39 trick-or-treaters this year, which was infinitely more than the 0 we had last year (because we got home too late to actually hand out any candy or kids just didn’t trick or treat last year), but our expectations were (probably) unrealistically high.

So we have over 200 pieces of candy left in our home.

So you know what Katie and I will be getting for Christmas this year?

That’s right!  Diabetes.

Day 257: stuffing/fake progress bars

I like stuffing.

It’s a good side dish (or, for the adventurous, main course) that goes well with everything.  It’s flavorful enough that a small portion is all you need, but it’s easy to make enough for a large group.  It’s also something that has holiday connotations but is not restricted to only being eaten on Thanksgiving.

It’s something that I’d be proud to have in my pantry any time.

I don’t like fake progress bars.

What UI designer thought it could ever be a good idea to put something that looks like a progress bar into an installation sequence, but not have that bar mean anything?

Why would a bar, having filled up entirely (and thus, clearly having designated that the current task is done) simply start over?  It’s frustrating to the user because not only do they not know when the current task will be done (that’s something I can live with), it gives false hope and information about the length of time the task will take in reality.

I’d rather have a dot that gets bigger and smaller.  Or, how about…nothing at all?  An hourglass instead of a cursor?

But please, don’t give me a bar that fills up over and over again.  It is more than pointless; it is an outright lie, and the convention should be banned from appearing anywhere.

Day 252: cholesterlol

I got my flu shot at work today and had a free cholesterol screening at the same time.

It seems my overall cholesterol is a bit high.  My overall cholesterol is at 205, which is above the 200 (or below) that is considered desirable for adults.

I guess I should have seen this coming.  I like to eat fried foods, I never exercise, and I don’t eat enough fruits or vegetables.  But it’s a bit of a wake-up call.  After all, I’m only 26 and if my habits are this unhealthy now, I imagine I’ll be a walking sack of heart attack in another couple of decades.

So, here’s to a renewed effort at a few cholesterol-lowering habits:

  • Making exercise a routine, either at the gym at EA or with Wii Fit or EA Active at home (or both!)
  • Eating more fiber, as well as a serving of fruit or vegetables each day
  • Eating more salmon or walnuts to try to boost my healthy cholesterol levels
  • Try and cut back on meat and egg consumption
  • As a corollary to all this, try to go to bed each day before midnight – this will help make time in the mornings for exercise as well as potentially eating something healthy

I’m not overly concerned, as I’m just above the cutoff for a healthy, desirable cholesterol level.  And, I am young.  I still have plenty of time to make the necessary adjustments.

Still, it was a bit unexpected and did fill me with both a sense of sadness and a tiny bit of dread.

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