We watched Glee tonight on TV.  While the DVR is busted, we’ve been forced to watching shows when the network wants us to.  It’s frustrating and so last decade.

I liked Glee.  It’s like an aged up High School Musical.  Also, any show with choreographed dances?  Good in my book.

My high school never had a glee club, so I don’t really know what one is.  Do most high schools have glee clubs and mine was an outlier?  Do only schools in certain areas of the country have glee clubs?  Or is a recent phenomenon that only arose after I graduated from high school?

As if the show needed to cater to the demographic of me any more specifically, they’re having a “tweet-peat” this Friday, where they’ll replay the episode while simultaneously having people involved in the show tweet details and answer questions on Twitter.  Thank you Internet, for making something like this a reality.

OK, off to try to take Iwo Jima with some friends.