Katie & Scott & Simon & Cecily.

Tag: job (Page 2 of 7)

Day 253: password

So here’s a story of me losing to technology today.

My work password needed to be changed.  Every month or two months or some other arbitrary amount of time, our work servers force us to change our password.  Some of you probably experience this at your work as well.

So, this morning, with 1 day left until my password expired, I went ahead and changed my password.

At some point in the late afternoon, I went into a meeting and locked my computer, as I often do when I’m going to be away from my desk for an extended period of time.

When I returned, every password I attempted to put in to unlock my computer failed.

Here’s what must have happened.  I must have made a typo when changing my password.  And then, miraculously, I must have somehow made the same typo when entering my new password into the second field.

Either that, or I’m incredibly stupid and can’t actually remember what I changed my password to.

Still, I left work today (a rather productive day, overall) feeling sad and defeated by a simple string of letters and numbers.

Day 250: day care fsa

Each year, the company makes us look over our work benefits and decide which benefits we want to keep, which pre-tax spending accounts we want to deposit money into, and things like supplemental life insurance.

This year is the first year that I’ve had to actually consider the Dependent Child Care FSA.  It would be a pre-tax account that I could put money into directly from my paycheck to help pay for child care.

From an informal poll of child care costs from my co-workers with children, the cost of actually sending a child to a day care is something in the ballpark of 20 hojillian dollars.  That’s a lot.  That’s way more than I’d be putting into a FSA.

So, I waived putting any money into it this year.  Our child will just have to deal with actually being cared for by us, I suppose.

Or we’ll just have to pay for it post-tax, if we sell our house.  And kidneys.  Or I can fake my own death and Katie can collect on the life insurance policy?  The options are limitless!

Day 226: do you have what it takes to be an agent?

In Europe, people are now playing MySims Agents.
In the U.S., the game will hit store shelves next Tuesday.

I’ve worked on a bunch of games, and I’m proud of all of them (yes, even The Sims 2 IKEA Home Stuff) but MySims Agents was a bit of a departure because it was the first level/story-based game that I was a part of.

I did a bunch of writing on it, and I – when I played it myself multiple times over the past few months – am a big fan of the writing and humor that our entire team put into the game.

If you have a Wii, you should play it.
If you don’t have a Wii, you should buy one when they price drop to $200 in a week or so, and then play it.
If you don’t like video games, you should play it anyway because it’s got simple controls and you might like it.
If you don’t have a TV, you’re out of luck.

I mean, I guess you could buy a TV, but if you’ve held out this long, you might as well just keep not owning a TV. To you, I say thank you for making it out to the public library to read this, as I assume you also don’t have a computer and may be Amish.

If you are Amish, good work on those fake fireplaces! My in-laws have one and you hardly tell that the fire isn’t real.

Day 179: call the understudy

I miss the theatre.

Today, Katie and I watched the Young Playwright’s Showcase that was a part of the Theatreworks New Works Festival and it made me wish that I had opted to participate in some kind of playwriting workshop/competition when I was in high school.

It made me wish that I had more time to give to theatre in my life, that I could attend open auditions with the confidence that my regular full-time and wonderful job wouldn’t get in the way.

Tonight, we also watched four episodes of Slings and Arrows, one of the best TV shows ever.  And it made me miss being a part of that crazy experiment that putting on a live show is.

I want to do improv in the streets, reenact Shakespeare on the lawn, write an original one-act in 24 hours and have it staged by people who have never acted before.  I want to capture that magic within the confines of my 10-6 (and sometimes later) job and home life and have it be part of a delicate balance, but theatre isn’t really like that.  Theatre consumes you, it becomes more than just a simple piece of your life puzzle.

But maybe that’s just sad, defeatist talk.  Maybe I just haven’t found that magical place on the spectrum yet where I actually can have everything I want.

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