Katie & Scott & Simon & Cecily.

Tag: ice cream (Page 2 of 3)

Day 163: ice cream social

Tonight, I participated in an ice cream social that was not engineered by any type of company or school as part of an icebreaker, but rather as an activity at someone’s home.

It was quite enjoyable and I got to bring home some partial brownies, to keep forever as a memory.  Or at least, until I eat them tomorrow.

Also, Beethoven’s 2nd is a terrible video game.

Day 154: tarred

Despite having just come back from a four-day vacation, I’m still pretty tired.

There are several things I should do tonight that I have consciously decided to delay until the morning.

One is scooping the litter box.  The other is clipping my fingernails.

On second thought, I really should get to that litter box tonight.

What I’d really like is some that ice cream I didn’t finish this past weekend.  But it is still in the house near Yosemite!  Alas.

Day 127: read after reading

When I was in elementary school, we had some reading challenges. We would track our personal progress in terms of how many books we’d finished reading within a certain amount of time and we’d get little stickers or marks on a poster. I can’t remember if finishing a book was a point or every 100 pages was a point, but it was certainly one of the earliest competitive achievement-based reward systems I encountered.

And I did what I tend to do when faced with such a situation: I tried to win. I tried to win pretty badly. I’m pretty sure I didn’t do anything but read for a month. And I did win. I obliterated everyone else in my class. To top it off, I’m pretty sure I even lied a little bit about finishing my very last book (something epic, like Moby Dick).

I don’t really read anymore. I flip through the Entertainment Weeklys that come each week and read a novel out loud to Katie once a week or so. I sometimes read something in the public domain slowly on my iPhone. But that’s pretty much it. With no stickers on a poster, I guess there just isn’t enough incentive.

So, I guess the trick is tricking myself into thinking there are stickers for reading or actually reward myself for reading with ice cream or something equally compelling. I do want to read more. Convincing myself that it’s worth the effort turns out to be the tricky part.

Day 108: relax?

With our east trip coast being a bit packed with things to do (and not as much simple relaxation) and a full day of work today, I feel rather tired.

Not sleepy tired, just like I want to just relax for a day or so.

I think I’d like to see a movie tomorrow.  Perhaps Pixar’s new triumph, Up?  Maybe something light and funny like the new Night at the Museum?  Maybe well-received Star Trek?  Maybe something action campy like Angels and Demons?

Whatever the choice, it might be nice to just blend into the shadows in a movie theater for a few hours, eating something screamingly unhealthy and letting the screen wash over me.

Or maybe I’d be equally happy just letting a few hours melt into my Wii or Xbox, playing some of the games on my backlog.  Nothing too hard, nothing too taxing.

Or maybe shopping, for a few hours.  Walking around an air-conditioned mall with a Cinnabon break, buying some clearance Gap clothes.

Or I could just sleep all day, eating ice cream and pizza in bed.

I’ll figure something out, and let you know what happens tomorrow.

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