Katie & Scott & Simon & Cecily.

Tag: health (Page 2 of 3)

Day 252: cholesterlol

I got my flu shot at work today and had a free cholesterol screening at the same time.

It seems my overall cholesterol is a bit high.  My overall cholesterol is at 205, which is above the 200 (or below) that is considered desirable for adults.

I guess I should have seen this coming.  I like to eat fried foods, I never exercise, and I don’t eat enough fruits or vegetables.  But it’s a bit of a wake-up call.  After all, I’m only 26 and if my habits are this unhealthy now, I imagine I’ll be a walking sack of heart attack in another couple of decades.

So, here’s to a renewed effort at a few cholesterol-lowering habits:

  • Making exercise a routine, either at the gym at EA or with Wii Fit or EA Active at home (or both!)
  • Eating more fiber, as well as a serving of fruit or vegetables each day
  • Eating more salmon or walnuts to try to boost my healthy cholesterol levels
  • Try and cut back on meat and egg consumption
  • As a corollary to all this, try to go to bed each day before midnight – this will help make time in the mornings for exercise as well as potentially eating something healthy

I’m not overly concerned, as I’m just above the cutoff for a healthy, desirable cholesterol level.  And, I am young.  I still have plenty of time to make the necessary adjustments.

Still, it was a bit unexpected and did fill me with both a sense of sadness and a tiny bit of dread.

Day 169: computer elbow

Since I’ve moved out here to California and started working at EA, I’ve found that I have developed a much more severe case of computer elbow. I wonder if other people who spend most of their day in front of a computer experience this as well, or if I somehow sit and rest my elbows in a particular way.

I know that some of my co-workers have computer elbow. It’s a combination of a dryness of the skin at the elbow and a slight soreness at the elbow near the end of the day. There’s no actual pain and I’m fairly certain that I’m not doing any permanent damage to any of my muscles, but there are definitely days where I feel worse computer elbow at the end of the day than others, and they’re usually the days I spend longer hours sitting in front of that infernal machine that rules our lives nowadays.

Do other people get computer elbow? It may have to do with sitting at a flat surface and resting your elbows on it for extended periods of time, so marathon letter writers may also get it, making it less computer elbow and more like desk elbow.

Oh, and I really only get it on my right elbow. There goes my bowling and arm wrestling career.

Day 147: eyesore

I sometimes worry that before my life is over, my eyes will have fallen out of my head.

I sit for about 8 hours a day in front of a computer at work.  I come home and use my computer for a few hours each night, as well as plopping down in front of the television to watch something or play something.

I don’t often stare out into the distance and focus on something far away.

My glasses, especially for my left eye are already somewhat strong and my eyes have been getting steadily worse my entire life, since elementary school.  Although the deterioration seems to have slowed, I haven’t actively changed my habits to change the way I use my eyes.

If anything, my current job and hobbies make it worse.  While at college, I still had opportunities to look across campus many times a day.  Nowadays, I often only am outside for less than an hour each day.

Maybe it’ll have the opposite effect: perhaps in time, my eyes will become hardy, nigh invincible.  I will be able to stop bullets will my irises and set things on fire by looking at them.  Either that, or they’ll fall out.

Day 136: i can has butt thermometer?

I took Princess to a new vet today. She was overdue for her vaccine boosters and there’s a bit of black gunk on her chin right now (which the vet indicated might be cat acne). She behaved pretty well, except when she was a bit restless during her second shot and when she freaked completely out when the doc wanted to use clippers to try to shave a bit of hair off her chin to get a closer look.

Visiting a vet is an interesting experience, as it’s a bit of a judgement of me as an owner; did I do right by my cat this past year? Did I do anything wrong? Is my cat well-behaved enough that she’ll let you stick a thermometer up her butt?

It’s also handing over something very personal to someone I don’t know. That doesn’t happen all that often in life and it’s a bit uncomfortable, especially for intellectual control freaks like me who want to always know exactly what’s happening all the time.

Luckily, Princess seems to be perfectly healthy, except for her obesity. I swear, no matter how much we feed her, she seems to just keep gaining weight. Perhaps I should try to get her to start using Wii Fit or EA Active.

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