Katie & Scott & Simon & Cecily.

Tag: health (Page 1 of 3)

Day 335: sniffles

I have the sniffles.

I think the sniffles are worse than a full-blown cold or actual sickness. When you’re actually sick, you can take a day off of work and sleep in and eat soup while watching daytime television. Your body may not be very functional, but you know you’re on the way to recovery.

Of course, being entirely healthy is the best option. But the sniffles? They’re just enough to be annoying without being bothersome enough to take solid action. You feel just a bit off and don’t quite know which direction you’re headed. Am I going to get sicker? Or will this just pass in a day or so, like it has so many times before?

It’s kind of like the weather. I enjoy the weather most when it’s bright and sunny and there’s not a cloud in the sky. That’s a great day. But if it’s going to rain or snow, I want it to pour and thunderstorm or blizzard (as long as I’m inside, making soup and watching daytime television). I don’t want some weak drizzle or slushy mess on the road.

That’s what the sniffles are. A slushy mess.

Day 289: what i bought today, in chronological order, all from the comfortable glow of my computer monitor

The World Ends with You ($10): a DS game that I’ve been meaning to try for a while.  $10 (half off) was enough to get me to bite on this Amazon deal, especially with free Prime shipping.

Xbox Live 12-month card ($32.61): I’ll need another one when my subscription expires this coming March and it was the lowest price I’ve seen in a while.

Knights of the Old Republic on Steam ($2.49): can you believe I’ve never played KOTOR?  Given that I liked both Mass Effect and what I’ve played of Dragon Age, I thought I should give KOTOR a chance.  Especially at less than three dollars.

Sennheiser RS 130 wireless headphones ($59.95): I’ve been meaning to buy wireless headphones for a while.  This pair was better than the RS 120 pair that I had on my watch list, but was selling today for right around the same $60 price range.

Clothing from Old Navy ($41.51): a pair of jeans for me, a pair of maternity jeans for Katie, and a classy top for a classy wife.  I also had ordered a pair of flannel lined jeans, but they, despite being in my shopping cart, weren’t actually available.  Still, I need new jeans because I inexplicably wear out the crotch of every pair I own way before the rest of them show any wear.

That’s a total of…$146.56, including all tax and shipping.  Not bad, considering that our average CostCo receipt totals more than that.

Katie insists that the best deal of the day was the fact that she got swine flu (vaccine) for free!  We’re number H1N1!!

Also, we watched Fantastic Mr. Fox, which I found enjoyable.

Day 265: unfit

Exercise is a chore for me, despite what my purchases of Wii Fit and EA Sports Active might have you believing.

Given the choice, I’d almost always pick to watch TV or play games or eat candy over exercising.  It’s just the easier path, the one of least resistance.

But if I can manage to get two major elements in place, I think being fitter and healthier wouldn’t be as much of a hassle.

1. Form a routine
This is something that I’ve tried to do several times.  I’ll exercise regularly for a few days, maybe even a week, at around the same time of day (either at work or at home) and then I’ll forget or wake up late or have too much work one day and the whole thing will fall apart.

So how do I make a routine more successful?  Pick a time when I’m almost always be free and may not be dependent on waking up early?  Force myself to do it enough times that it begins to feel more like muscle memory than actual effort?  I’m not completely certain.

2. Make it fun
Wii Fit or EA Sports Active is a start.  There are elements that feel a bit game-y, there are goals and achievements presented in a format I know and love, and I fire up my Wii to use them.  But…it’s not quite enough.  It still feels like exercise to me, because it is exercise.

Does it mean joining a community team sport instead?  Forming some kind of larger meta-game around exercising?  Having a workout buddy that I can compete against?  Again, I’m not sure, but I know that figuring this out would also go a long way to keeping me motivated.

I know I have to get better at this, but it’s never been a priority.  I keep pushing it off because it’s not fun to think about and it’s not fun to do.  I think concretely finding solutions to the two issues I outlined above would be major steps in the right direction.

Day 262: candy

We bought too much candy.

We got 39 trick-or-treaters this year, which was infinitely more than the 0 we had last year (because we got home too late to actually hand out any candy or kids just didn’t trick or treat last year), but our expectations were (probably) unrealistically high.

So we have over 200 pieces of candy left in our home.

So you know what Katie and I will be getting for Christmas this year?

That’s right!  Diabetes.

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