Katie & Scott & Simon & Cecily.

Tag: cat (Page 3 of 4)

Day 136: i can has butt thermometer?

I took Princess to a new vet today. She was overdue for her vaccine boosters and there’s a bit of black gunk on her chin right now (which the vet indicated might be cat acne). She behaved pretty well, except when she was a bit restless during her second shot and when she freaked completely out when the doc wanted to use clippers to try to shave a bit of hair off her chin to get a closer look.

Visiting a vet is an interesting experience, as it’s a bit of a judgement of me as an owner; did I do right by my cat this past year? Did I do anything wrong? Is my cat well-behaved enough that she’ll let you stick a thermometer up her butt?

It’s also handing over something very personal to someone I don’t know. That doesn’t happen all that often in life and it’s a bit uncomfortable, especially for intellectual control freaks like me who want to always know exactly what’s happening all the time.

Luckily, Princess seems to be perfectly healthy, except for her obesity. I swear, no matter how much we feed her, she seems to just keep gaining weight. Perhaps I should try to get her to start using Wii Fit or EA Active.

Day 122: skullbuggery

I played video games for most of today. That was a bit much, perhaps, but nice.
Our cat (the fat one) is overdue for a vet visit. We’ll have to get on that.
I think she just ate a bug. I hope that kind of thing doesn’t make her sick.

I would very much like to do a staged reading. I think that would be fun. Perhaps I’ll make it a part of my podcast.

I’m afraid I’ll have to cut this post short, as I’m writing on a laptop that is running low on battery. In general, things are going well, except for my fantasy baseball team, which is full of scrubs.

Day 98: things we say to our cats that would seem more insensitive if they were actually children

  • I’ve got the fat one.
  • Why does your butt always smell so much?
  • Which one of you keeps barfing on the floor?
  • Stay still! I’m trying to furminate you!
  • Oh, they’re fighting again.
  • It’s just a piece of paper. Why do you play with that all the time? You’re so stupid.
  • Meow!
  • Here’s your dinner.  Eat up, fatties!
  • I cleaned it, so poop away!  I know you like pooping in clean litter.
  • Get off the table!
  • All you do is lick everything.
  • Eat that bug!  Eat it!
  • That’s human food!  It’s not for you.

Day 31: distracted

Katie got a haircut yesterday and I didn’t say anything about it until today, and only after she brought it up.  I’m pretty sure I noticed it several times, but it just didn’t click in my head.  I’m sure this costs me a few Good Husband points.


Both of us are flying out to New York/New Jersey next Wednesday evening to be with my mom, who’s going in for a (hopefully routine) operation on Thursday.  I won’t go into details here, but if you want to send any prayers or happy thoughts her way, I’d appreciate it.

I’m at work, clearing out some bugs and looking for new ones, but my thoughts are elsewhere.

On my mom, on Katie’s haircut, on a certain doorknob we have at home, on my Xbox’s drive that seems to stop working once a week or so, on the fact that our kitty will chew through plastic to eat our CostCo muffins.

I’m trying to start work on a script for a short YouTube series that I can film easily, but it’s harder than it seems.  I need to sketch out an overall summary of it before I just start writing.  But, I think it’ll be great when I’m done with it.

In celebration of pi day, EA provided us with some pies.  It’s the little things that count.

I think I want some mac and cheese later today.

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