Katie & Scott & Simon & Cecily.

Tag: car (Page 2 of 2)

Day 192: tire

I’m sitting outside a movie theater waiting for the guard to move so we can go in and watch (500) Days of Summer. It must be a pretty boring job, but without early seating movie screen guards, our world would probably devolve into chaos.

I took the car in for an oil change and inspection today. Our nice local mechanic mentioned that the tires looked like they could use replacing and suggested we do it before winter. Does anyone out there have any experience with tire places or, more specifically, CostCo? That’s what our mechanic recommended and where we’ll probably go unless I hear horror stories.

There are high hopes for Tutti Melon after the movie. Is it just me or have pay-by-weight froyo places taken the market by storm? Or is it only a California/west coast thing?

Day 190: plane vs car

At some point in the past few years, I became anti-air travel. I’m not vehemently against it. I’ll take a plane when going across the country.

But, if I’m taking a trip somewhere drivable, I almost always prefer to take a road trip. This wasn’t always the case. I used to dislike driving, or at least dislike it more than flying. Somewhere along the line, I started getting annoyed at the added time that went along with a flight.

I think it also has to do with control. I can’t control plane cancellations or inclement weather at airports. I can’t control the length of security lines and the speed at which they move. I can control how quickly I drive and when we leave in the car. If there’s traffic, I can control the route I take. In a literal way, on a road trip, I’m in the drivers seat.

Also, you can’t pull over in the middle of a flight to eat at an Arby’s.

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