Yesterday, I gave $35 to Doctors Without Borders to help with earthquake recovery in Haiti.

Overall, I don’t give too much money to charity.  It’s never really bothered me, never made me feel guilty, but I realize that the giving that I do make is somewhat random.

For the past two years, Katie and I have given to our local NPR station because we listen to it on a daily basis and feel a bit obligated to support it in return.  Last year, I also additionally gave a small bit to WBEZ, the Chicago NPR station that hosts This American Life and is responsible for paying for the podcast, which I listen to most weeks.

The only other regular donation is to CMU, just to help boost alumni giving numbers, but that’s really only when I remember to do it.

The last voluntary donation that I gave (aside from the odd dollar at checkout in supermarkets or pet stores) is probably to the Red Cross for Hurricane Katrina.  So, does it really take an epic disaster for me to step up to the donation table?  Should I carve out a portion of my yearly income to go to those that need help?

Is money given to the Red Cross or Doctors Without Borders during a non-major-disaster any less useful than now?

Am I not pulling my weight in doing more for the greater good?  Alas, I don’t give blood as often as I could either!  Am I just being too greedy?  Or is donating to charity above and beyond normal duty?