In a little over two weeks, my three month dalliance with Amazon Prime threatens to perish.

When an offer for a trial of Amazon Prime popped up in October, I bit.  I knew that, most likely, we wouldn’t be traveling this holiday season (what with Katie’s baby belly) but we’d probably still be exchanging Christmas gifts with family.  So, in a unexpected bout of foresight, I signed up for the trial primarily for the last minute Christmas shopping and shipping we were sure to do.

And it did come in hand over the past week, especially the part where I could extend my membership to four additional family members, meaning my mom and most of the Dahls got free 2-day shipping from Amazon as well.

But what a tricky business it is, the knowledge of Amazon Prime’s power at your disposal every day.  How tempting it is to buy everything on Amazon when you know it’ll be at your doorstep in less than three days.  How much more quickly your finger clicks the checkout button on Gold Box deals when there’s no minimum purchase required to get free shipping.

I’m sure that having Prime has caused me to buy a few things from Amazon over the past three months that I wouldn’t have otherwise.  I’m sure that’s an effect that the Amazon geniuses hope for.  It’s just so easy.

The question is: do I continue my Prime membership.  Is the convenience and burden worth $79 annually (though less, if I can split it among family members)?  Or is it just $79 being anted up for a much bigger pot of Amazon spendings spread over the next 12 months?