We went to the beach today, which is a labor day tradition from Katie’s youth.  It was nice and warm, except the water, which was very cold.

The beaches around here and of the Pacific Northwest are all cold.  It’s a weird mindset, but something that Katie grew up with.  Beaches have cold water for her since her childhood.

For me, beaches are about swimming in the water – a leftover from growing up on the east coast and my trip to Hawaii when I was pretty young.  Out here in the west, beaches are more about fun in the sand, charming beachfront towns, and wading into the water.  It’s a different kind of beach, but just as enjoyable.

But it’s strange, when my jeans are rolled up and the waves bring the waterline in and the water touches me feet.  When it’s so cold compared to what I expect.  It’s something I still haven’t quite got used to.

I would still like to learn how to surf someday, though, and there’s a much greater chance that that’ll actually happen out here in California.

I hope all of your Labor Days were as relaxing and fun.  Now I’m off to either order a PS3, watch more Gossip Girl or The Office, collapse in bed, or poop.

Maybe all of the above!