When I was young, I used to think that I was better in cold weather than in hot. When it was cold, I didn’t feel it as much. On the flip side, when it was hot, I would feel helpless, tired, and much more out of sorts.

As I’ve grown, I think I’ve changed slightly. I think my tolerance for cold has gotten slightly worse and my tolerance for hot weather slightly better. Perhaps it was youthful ignorance or a stubborn will, but I distinctly remember it being colder but not feeling as cold.

Is this a transformation that other people go through, although perhaps the other direction? Do certain people grow up liking cold temperature only to not be able to stand it in their old age? Do people feel heat and cold differently at different ages?

Or is it more a matter of environment? Does growing up somewhere cold mean that eventually you’ll get more used to it and more immune to it?