Every few weeks, we have a small get-together at our house called Democratic Movie Night, where us and our friends vote on which movie we’d like to watch over the course of two weeks, and then watch it.

It nudges us into cooking at least once a fortnight and it gives us a recurring event at which to watch movies we may have missed in the theaters or want to watch and discuss with friends.

The other day, Katie also mentioned a prime reason I established DMN: I wanted to make the website.  It’s true.  It had been a while since I had done anything Computer Science-y and I got the itch to rip out some messy php.

I don’t miss programming…much.  Every once in a while, I’ll feel the urge to do something basic and logical, something built from arithmetic and variable assignments, but most of the time I’m content to leave that work to others.

I do like working on my own schedule.  No homework assignments due by midnight on certain days, no work deadlines pushing back against getting a piece of code debugged.  And I’ve always liked making websites.

So, in the end, I guess I never left my CS degree completely behind.  There’s some amount of bits that’ll always be in my bloodstream.