Katie & Scott & Simon & Cecily.

Tag: work

Day 327: back to work

Tomorrow, I go back to work after having a full 17 days off. It’ll be interesting to see how quickly I can get back into the productive groove, as this Christmas break has been longer than usual and, in some ways, I have very much turned my brain off in terms of work these past two weeks.

From what I remember, we were making a game. I think.

In some ways, it will be like starting a new semester of school, except I’ll still be going to the same classes. It’ll be like returning to an old hobby and hoping that the muscle memory will return quickly so that even if your brain can’t quite remember what a knit is and what a purl is, maybe your hands will.

Also, it’ll mean a return to a normal schedule, where weekday showers become once again mandatory and video game playing is once again reserved for lunch and late at night (and not, oh, all day long). But that’ll be good. There’s only so long that I can go wearing PJs (or less!) until late in the afternoon before I begin to feel like I’m housesitting for the real me.

Lastly, it means I’ll be around people all day again. Though Katie and my mom were around most of the time this holiday, there were still several days where I inhabited the house alone with two cats. And I don’t know if I’ve always been this way, but after a few days, it just got to be pretty lonely. That’s not to say I would wait by the door and jump on Katie when she returned from work, like a eager Labrador, but even just knowing that another person is in the house is enough to make me feel more human again.

I guess I have always kind of been that way. Somewhat needy, somewhat clingy, but in a really charismatic kind of way. Man, it’s going to be great when we have the baby, because he won’t be able to leave our side for years! Rolling down the street with my wife and my son – why, I’ll have my own posse!

I’ve always wanted a posse.

Day 126: fragility

At work today, I moved my desk a few feet in one direction. It was part of a large group move, but I ended up just kind of shoving my desk in one direction. Somehow, during this tiny move, the weight sensors in my postal scale got jarred or shocked. Now, when I try to turn it on, it just says “ErrE” which is a bit sad and misspelled.

I hadn’t thought of my scale as that fragile of a device, but in this tech-heavy age, it’s easy to forget that the insides of our toys are still relatively weak. All those moving electronics bits are quite susceptible to sudden movements.

It’s interesting; we are all as fragile. Our insides are far more fragile than computers, as are our cases. And yet, growing up, we start to think of ourselves as a bit indestructible. It’s not like I think I can stand in front of a speeding car and survive, but it’s not something I imagine could ever really happen to me. I may joke about getting diabetes, but I don’t honestly think much about wasting away with cancer in a few decades.

To think that one day, I could end up like my postal scale. A tiny movement in the grand scheme of things and my insides get jarred and I don’t function anymore. It’s a scary thought.

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