Katie & Scott & Simon & Cecily.

Tag: sports (Page 1 of 2)

Day 354: activity

I don’t do all that much physical activity.

I have a job where I sit most of the day (or, if I do get up, it’s because I’m walking to a meeting room to sit somewhere else) and, when I get home, the things that I enjoy the most are sedentary: watching things on the TV, playing video games, reading.

I used to enjoy playing team sports, but it’s hard to motivate myself to find a team that doesn’t mind having an out-of-shape misfit, much less actually going to practices or games.  I still get somewhat intimidated by pick-up games with people I don’t know and the people I do know tend to like doing the same things I like when we get together: watching things and playing video games.

And I’ve tried to start or keep some kind of consistent gym routine but it’s never stuck.

Anyway, this is all material that I’ve covered in this blog before.  What struck me recently is that I’m going to feel like such a hypocrite when my son is born.  For an extended period of his youth, I’m going to want the kid to balance his sedentary and physical time, when I don’t really do a good job of doing it myself.

In my head, though, it’ll be much easier to motivate myself.  Playing with my kid?  That seems like it’ll top watching an episode of Glee or playing an hour of Mass Effect 2.  So maybe having a child will help solve some of that, just by merit of a child naturally wanting to expend energy.

I’m sure that having a baby in the house may also cut down on the amount of time I can spend just sitting on the couch.  But it’s something I’ll have to make an effort to do: be more active, if nothing else for the simple fact that my son will be watching me.  And I need to set a good example.

Day 224: katie told a football joke tonight

Before watching Shaq Vs. Ben Roethlisberger in all its majesty, our group was channel surfing and some episode of some show was on.  A foolish man had thrown an engagement ring into the front yard in either a fit of rage or an engagement ploy.

The conversation went as follows:

“That was stupid.  Why did he throw that ring into the yard?”

“Ben Roethlisberger would never have thrown the ring into the yard.”

Katie: “No, because he would have been sacked before he had the chance!”

And…there was no reaction.  Because my wife was the person with the most football knowledge in the room (beside, perhaps, me)!  There were three other men in the room!  It was a wonderful moment for me.  I’ve changed her!  Into a true Steelers fan!  Her jab at Ben was, of course, in jest.  He only gets sacked when he’s playing football.

Shaq Vs.?  Both irritatingly stupid and somehow brilliant.  Oh, and SPOILER, Shaq loses.  Both in football and basketball.  And life.  He won at being tall, though.

In one play, he came onto the field from the sidelines to intercept a pass.  WHO DOES THAT BESIDES CHILDREN WHO DON’T UNDERSTAND HOW THINGS IN LIFE WORK??  Shaq does that.  That’s who.

Day 159: curling

It’s been a while since I brought up curling with anyone, but I found an unexpectedly willing friend tonight who is as interested in learning/trying curling as I am.

I thought I had lost that potential when I moved away from Pittsburgh and from Brian Gray.

Nonetheless, excited, I came home and looked it up on the Internet and found a Bay Area Curling Club which gives one-time lessons, summer lessons series, and offers league play.

I don’t want to get ahead of myself, but I could easily see myself getting consumed into this world.  I can’t think of any more joyful way to spend a summer evening than in an ice rink, watching a round stone with a handle glide down the ice while yelling at my wife and teammates to broom harder and faster.

Day 158: le tour

I don’t know what it is that gets me excited in the Tour de France each year. I’m not an avid cyclist myself. I don’t particularly enjoy the fact that it’s 3 hours of footage each day for less than a month, then gone until a year later. I don’t identify to a strong degree with any of the riders and actually sometimes wish that American coverage of the tour was a bit less Lance-centric.

Is it just because I enjoy sports that most Americans shun? I enjoy a good curling match and am sometimes fascinated by the rules of games that only get shown on ESPN2 or 3, like cricket or Australian rules football.

Am I impressed by the mere fact that these men are riding bicycles for 5 hours a day for over 3 straight weeks? Is it the general physical prowess that draws me?

Or is it the subtle and slow-motion strategy that occurs on each stage, where at first glance nothing seems to happen but under the surface, teams and riders are conspiring every moment on how much energy they should be spending?

Regardless, several years ago, I started watching the Tour and I haven’t really stopped. It’s one of those yearly events that I get swept up in, like NaNoWriMo or Boxing Day. Are there any other Tour watchers out there? Does anyone else even know that it’s happening? Is it a bit sad that I had only a passing interest in the Stanley Cup being won by Pittsburgh but am captivated by Thor Husovd’s battle for the green jersey?

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