Katie & Scott & Simon & Cecily.

Tag: pregnant

Day 360: labor

There are these videos that we watch in the prenatal classes that we go to, which are full of slimy newborns, milk-filled breasts, and the faces of women in labor. After a while, you kind of get used to most of it and I think it’s certainly acclimated me to what to expect (at least visually) when my son is born. When he comes out all icky and bloody and looking a bit like Benjamin Button, I won’t be shocked by it. The videos have helped that much.

It hasn’t completely calmed me in terms of labor, though. Sure, it has helped to identify the stages of labor, helped to define what transition means, and helped to set guidelines for when we should call or drive to the hospital. But every woman’s labor is so different and most women, as the actual delivery nears, get kind of crazy.

Not lunatic psychopath crazy, but they’re clearly dealing with a kind of pain that most have never experienced before and it takes them to another plane. It’s a little scary that Katie is going to go through that in about a month or so. Even after seeing the videos, I’m not completely sure what to expect from her.

And my biggest role once we arrive at the delivery room will be one of comfort and calming, but I’ve never been in that situation before. Will I be able to react quickly and correctly when Katie starts really feeling those contractions? Will I be able to stay focused and calm myself?

I don’t see how any class or video or thing (aside from having had a child already) could ever prepare you fully for the experience. I’m excited. And nervous. And a bit gassy, although that might be unrelated.

Day 245: pregnancy zeitgeist

Pregnancy is so in right now. So many TV shows have characters that are or have recently been pregnant.

Here, let me give you a list of pregnant shows (and beware of potential spoilers, I guess):

  • Weeds
  • Dexter
  • Glee
  • The Office

I think there are others too, that I’m forgetting. I bring this up for two reasons: first, because we’re watching an old episode of Project Runway from this season where the designers made maternity clothing. Second, I felt my baby kick tonight. It’s still pretty subtle right now and not happening constantly, but I definitely felt something.

So, how hip and trendy are we? We got pregnant at the height of the pregnancy zeitgeist! Unless, maybe, we were influenced to have a child by all those shows we were watching on TV?

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