Katie & Scott & Simon & Cecily.

Tag: plants

Day 339: things that happened

I beat Uncharted 2 last night. It was a non-stop thrill ride, even if I’m still not entirely sold on the treasure collecting part of the game. I played a bit of multiplayer today, where I was mainly manhandled by skeletons with shotguns who sounded like British people.

We made decent headway on the vine infestation in our backyard, despite strong resistance and being completely outnumbered. We will continue our quest to prevent our walls and the tree back there from being choked to death by these evil vines tomorrow if the rain doesn’t make the prospect completely miserable.

We ate at a small Chinese restaurant in San Leandro tonight named Little Namking. While we were there, Katie asked me where Namking is. I wasn’t sure. After returning home and looking it up, there actually is no Namking. It probably is a bad transliteration of Nanjing, which is actually close to Shanghai. Either way, the food was pretty good and very cheap. I can’t wait to go back another and try their signature beef chow fun. There’s nothing that compares to a good chow fun.

Then we watched the scandalous second episode of The Bachelor on a laptop in bed. I tried to log in through Facebook Connect so that I could create a text commentary for the episode with all of the snarky things Katie and I spouted but technology was not on my side tonight. I hope, however, that my attempts did not – as Katie suggested – post to my wall that I was watching The Bachelor a dozen times. I only watched it once, and that’s shameful enough.

I also played a bit of the Saboteur today, where I eliminated an entire Nazi radar station single-handed, but accidentally shot a nun in the process.

Day 336: vines

In our backyard, there are two trees that grow long-reaching vines, of the Little Shop of Horrors variety. These vines can grow amazingly quickly and can extend up walls, behind tresses, and up into the higher recesses of a larger “real” tree we have out there.

While they provide for some nice greenery in our yard, vines have always wigged me out just a little bit. Maybe it only started after I watched The Ruins a while ago, but I feel like they’re a very dangerous plant.

Vines, unlike most leaves and branches and tree parts, have a thin but sturdy core. Strong enough to ensnare a helpless passerby, string them up, and then perhaps…strangle them like a serpent. Vines grow at a rate that seems unbelievable, taking over a wall within a season.

I’m fairly certain that if there were a nuclear holocaust, vines would be right there with cockroaches in terms of survivability.

They feel like predators, like little green Napoleons, stretching out their fingers for more ground to cover, more area to conquer. More humans to consume.

Anyway, the point is that Katie and I have decided to make this upcoming Saturday a yard work day and one of our primary goals will the culling and largescale removal of a lot of these vines. If you don’t hear from me on Sunday, I may be being digested by the vines, so you should probably come and either cut me out or bring some RoundUp.

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