Katie & Scott & Simon & Cecily.

Tag: memory

Day 330: diaper advice

So we’re considering cloth diapers for our incoming baby for a number of reasons, but I wanted to put out some feelers and see if anyone with a baby or child had used cloth diapers and had either good or bad stories to relate.

For those with disposable diapers, don’t feel left out!  Let me know about your experiences, too!  Were disposables convenient?  How often and how many did you buy?  Did you have to get a bigger trash bin to accommodate the increase in garbage bags?

Lastly, has anyone out there used a diaper service?  It’s probably the most expensive option and one we’re not considering too seriously, but I’d be curious if anyone had any glowing reviews or horror stories about those as well.

And a bit of a tangent: how young is your first memory?  I’m not able to remember anything of babyhood, so there’s no way to really look back on my personal experience as a baby and judge what was good or bad or comfortable or annoying.  Does anyone remember being a toddler?

That’s today’s post: all questions, no answers.

Day 140: money pigs

Being a kid is like having a time machine when it comes to money.  There’s a certain wonderful naiveté that accompanies the age when you think of $20 as a “lot of money.”

The biggest physical manifestation of this childhood time when money is worth more is the piggy bank.  It certainly requires a bit of self-control, but saving all of the money that belongs to you in a small pig and being proud is a feeling that is hard to reacquire once you actually have a salary and bank account.

Katie and I keep a pig that we keep leftover change in, but in terms of actual amount of savings, it pales in comparison to our bank accounts.  It does have something that the rest of our accounts lack: a presence.

A piggy bank is there, in your home, on your counter or end table.  Saving money is accompanied by a satisfying little clink and the gradual additional weight and heft that the pig attains.  And although the money is hidden behind a veneer of porcelain or plastic, it is never actually out of reach.  It never requires a trip to the local ATM or signing a small slip of paper.

It harkens back to a simpler time, when people kept all of their money in a sock under the mattress, when you saved up for a particularly cool toy instead of whipping out a plastic card, when a $5 tip seemed like the utmost extravagance.

Day 29: jafar?

I went into our game and movie library at work just before lunch and The Return of Jafar was playing on the TV.  It reminded me of a moment of completely unexpected elation that I experienced many summers ago.

It was 2000 and I was at the Pennsylvania Governor’s School for the Sciences (which, sadly, had its funding cut this year due to the economy) and was starting to come out of my shell.

As is often the case with summer programs, our TAs/RAs arranged for various activities each night to keep us occupied.  One such event was The Newly Roommated Game, which was a knockoff of the Newlywed Game that used to be on TV.  My roommate was Richard (I’m pretty sure – I actually had to look his name up on Facebook to get it right) and we decided that it’d be fun to be a part of this.

Most of the questions were relatively similar to the actual Newlywed Game, such as, “What’s your roommate’s favorite ice cream flavor?”  Some were observational, like, “Does your roommate wear glasses or contacts?”

One question was: “If your roommate was a Disney villain, what villain would he or she be?”  I was asked this about Richard and I didn’t know what he would say.  I wrote down Jafar because it was the first villain that came to mind when I envisioned Richard with an evil grin on his face.  Sure, Jafar.

In retrospect, there aren’t all that many male Disney villains.  Gaston?  Those gypsies from Pinnochio?  Scar?  I mean, come on.  Scar’s a lion.

So, really, Jafar was probably, percentage-wise, the best pick.  It was likely to be the first male villain to pop into Richard’s head.  But I wasn’t thinking like that back then.  I was thinking about how Richard had an air of Agrabah about him, how he’d look pretty dashing with a cape about him, and how he probably hated street urchins.

So when our turn came and Richard, after a half second, blurted out, “Jafar?” as an answer, I proudly turned my written answer around with such excitement that I almost got lightheaded for a moment.

Needless to say, we crushed the competition and handily won The Newly Roommated Game, although I don’t remember if there was any actual award for winning.  For me, that singular moment of perfection was reward enough.

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