Katie & Scott & Simon & Cecily.

Tag: love (Page 1 of 2)

Day 317: hark!

My mom is somewhere over Utah right now.  She should be here soon (she got bumped off an earlier overbooked flight for some mad perks) and then we’ll eat a ham.

We’ve also held off on opening any of the presents that came in the mail until my mom gets here, so we’ll have more of a Christmas night than a Christmas morning (unless we just decide to wait until tomorrow and pretend it’s the 25th all over again).

Either way, it’s been a pretty uneventful day.  It certainly is quite different from last year, when we had Katie’s entire family over, and it’ll be a bit different next year when we have an infant.

I suppose every Christmas is different, but it’s hard not to be excited, not only for the love that surrounds me and Katie this Christmas, but for our future Christmases, when we’ll have milk and cookies, presents from Santa, and another little heart to fill with joy and love.

I hope all of your Christmases were joyful and that you enjoy whatever time you have off for the remainder of the year.  May your stomachs be full, your families healthy, and your loves requited.

Day 306: password marriage

There’s a scary and magical point in every relationship, beyond which there is rarely turning back.  It is a bond of trust in our digital age that is so strong, there is little to compare it to.

It is the moment when you give your partner the passwords you use to your online accounts.

All of a sudden, you are vulnerable in a way you’ve never been before.  Suddenly, someone else in the world has all of your information.  At a moment’s notice, Katie could transfer money in and out of my bank accounts, send an email as me to my friends and co-workers, and de-friend half of my friends on Facebook while sending them spiteful messages.

In the hands of a deviant, a person’s black book of passwords is free reign.

Which is why it’s such a stirring moment in a relationship, because it is a way to signify to that other person that you’re in this together, that you trust them with your entire identity.  What could be more romantic than that?

Day 199: wedded

Katie and I went to a wedding today.

I like weddings. Everyone looks great and everyone goes home happy (and, possibly, a little frisky).

It was one of Katie’s high school friends, who looked beautiful, and the wedding was outdoors and relatively short. The reception was a brunch and there were many entertaining toasts.

It was also a chance for Katie to catch up with some other high school friends who she hadn’t seen in a while, while we awkward male partners supported their conversation as much as we were able.

Most of all, though, the bride and groom were beaming throughout the morning and through brunch. Weddings are like Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet: it’s love, idealized. It’s a perfect day, the perfect moment between two people that can never be taken away, regardless of future divorces or poisons or potions that make you appear dead.

It’s been a good, if tiring day.

Day 184: perfect?

I find it charming when Katie wears my shirts.

She’s wearing one now. It’s the one with the grasshopper on it. I like it! It’s cute.

There are moments during our marriage when Katie says a certain word in a certain way or looks at me with a certain face or asks a question in a certain tone when I just know that things are perfect.

Most times, we just sit together and watch TV, or eat pizza in bed, and understand each other. Is there any greater comfort than that of a relationship which has entered this phase? Having a best friend with whom one can always be absolutely truthful and completely relaxed?

No, I don’t think there is anything better.

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