Katie & Scott & Simon & Cecily.

Tag: job (Page 3 of 7)

Day 169: computer elbow

Since I’ve moved out here to California and started working at EA, I’ve found that I have developed a much more severe case of computer elbow. I wonder if other people who spend most of their day in front of a computer experience this as well, or if I somehow sit and rest my elbows in a particular way.

I know that some of my co-workers have computer elbow. It’s a combination of a dryness of the skin at the elbow and a slight soreness at the elbow near the end of the day. There’s no actual pain and I’m fairly certain that I’m not doing any permanent damage to any of my muscles, but there are definitely days where I feel worse computer elbow at the end of the day than others, and they’re usually the days I spend longer hours sitting in front of that infernal machine that rules our lives nowadays.

Do other people get computer elbow? It may have to do with sitting at a flat surface and resting your elbows on it for extended periods of time, so marathon letter writers may also get it, making it less computer elbow and more like desk elbow.

Oh, and I really only get it on my right elbow. There goes my bowling and arm wrestling career.

Day 147: eyesore

I sometimes worry that before my life is over, my eyes will have fallen out of my head.

I sit for about 8 hours a day in front of a computer at work.  I come home and use my computer for a few hours each night, as well as plopping down in front of the television to watch something or play something.

I don’t often stare out into the distance and focus on something far away.

My glasses, especially for my left eye are already somewhat strong and my eyes have been getting steadily worse my entire life, since elementary school.  Although the deterioration seems to have slowed, I haven’t actively changed my habits to change the way I use my eyes.

If anything, my current job and hobbies make it worse.  While at college, I still had opportunities to look across campus many times a day.  Nowadays, I often only am outside for less than an hour each day.

Maybe it’ll have the opposite effect: perhaps in time, my eyes will become hardy, nigh invincible.  I will be able to stop bullets will my irises and set things on fire by looking at them.  Either that, or they’ll fall out.

Day 145: generational gaps in the workplace

There are days and moments when I feel so incredibly young around some of my co-workers.  It’s not because they have years and years of experience that I don’t (which they do), and not because they mention their kids and compare minivan models (which some do), but because of cultural references that are simply beyond the scope of my generation.

A line from a TV show, the name of a Saturday morning cartoon that aired only on Saturdays before I was old enough to watch TV, a popular but short-lived song they played at high school dances in the late 70s.

I don’t regret being born when I was, and I would have this same child-like feeling no matter when I was born in a workplace with people from previous generations.  But it still feels a bit odd, mainly because I’ve never really encountered this before.

Throughout school, the age difference rarely goes above 4 years, and – in most situations – the cultural references that you and your friends adhere to are all from the same several years of childhood or adolescence.

In the real world, there are people of all ages, and it takes a short amount of time to adjust to that fact.  Not only are there people double my age but also college interns that are a bit younger.  The people you interact with on a daily basis becomes instantly less homogeneous once you hit the “real world” and it’s a fact that no one ever informs you of.

What’s even crazier is that one day, I will be one of the oldest people working on my team or division or scrum.  What’s it like working with only people younger than you?  I can only imagine.

Day 142: day off

I had the day off from work today, like most. Because of the extra time, I was able to watch some TV, mow the lawn, play 9 holes of (virtual) golf, watch Public Enemies, and convince Sarah Palin to step down.

I didn’t find too much time to fool around in Kodu, so I’ll hold off my comments on it for another day or so.

Happy 4th. Enjoy your holiday safely and don’t forget to rub it in the face of anyone you know who happens to be British.

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