Katie & Scott & Simon & Cecily.

Tag: hair

Day 313: haircut avoidance

I got my hair cut this past weekend.  And no, I didn’t use the comb’n’cut.  I went to Supercuts where I paid someone else to cut my hair.

As usual, it took some prodding from Katie.

And it got me thinking about my inexplicable aversion to haircuts.  I think it comes down to economics and the fact that I care less about my appearance than I should.

The economics is simple: the less often I get my hair cut, the less money I spend on my hair in a year.  And, it means less time in the year spent waiting for an open chair and less time sitting around while my hair gets cut.

The appearance?  Maybe it’s because I grew up with my mom cutting my hair and it became something I took for granted.  It’s something that I always had done at home in our garage and now you want to pay some stranger to do it?

Or it could be that I see myself as two different people: the post-haircut Scott, who has short clean hair, who has it together and never has to do anything to get his hair to naturally style itself into a decent professional look.  And pre-haircut Scott, who lets his hair grow just long enough to suggest that he may have a hipster vibe about him, that he doesn’t care about the establishment, with just the tiniest bit of gel in his hair.

I suppose laziness also factors into it.  Even when my hair gets longer, I don’t gel it all that often and I’ll just let it fall into my eyes and let my sideburns grow until they pop out under my glasses in odd directions.  And I’m sure, at that point, I’m not the most attractive guy at the pub.

Day 210: agenda

The agenda for tonight:

  1. Eat dinner
  2. Play Beatles: Rock Band
  3. Watch Glee
  4. Cut my own hair and record it
  5. Post video to Internet
  6. Fix DVR with new video card
  7. Become rich and famous from Internet video of me cutting my own hair

Currently, we’re on step 2.

Wish me luck.

Day 183: half done

Every time I mention that my Xbox working, it breaks the next day. I shouldn’t have jinxed it yesterday. It appears my only recourse now may be purchasing a new one. Sigh. Or, I guess, selling all of my 360 games and being done with it forever. But we all know that’s not going to happen.

It’s also a big milestone: I passed my half birthday yesterday peacefully and this will mark over 50% of entries written for the year. Only 182 more entries to go!

I finished reading The Prestige tonight, after a riveting and fast-paced few days. I haven’t consumed a book like that since the Harry Potter series. It left me wanting to read more, which is all you can really ask from a book, really.

My hair is entering that weird mid-stage length where it’s not short enough to just leave alone in the mornings but not quite long enough to cut.

So, the question is…what should I read next? And how long can I wait until buying another 360? And has anyone hacked an original Xbox to put a different OS on it before? I’ve managed to acquire a free one in the past week.

Day 75: moving cubes

I moved cubicles today at work, which is always an interesting experience.  It’s like a tiny version of actual moving and it was a little sad to see my old cube entirely empty (except for the few gifts I left for the next occupant: post-it notes, a pen, a stapler, and lots of dust).

It was also a lot of fun to unpack my stuff in my new cube.  What makes unpacking at work typically a bit more fun is two factors: first, it’s much easier to say hello and meet your neighbors than when moving into a house or apartment – there are no doors in the way – and second, half of the stuff you unpack are tacky personal items or toys (or perhaps that’s just at EA).

It was made even more fun because one of my new neighbors, Ian, kept exclaiming about how I had so many “cool toys,” which made me feel like the one kid on the block who owned a Super Nintendo.  Although in this case, the Super Nintendo was a postal scale (or a Boba Fett helmet).

Ian also gave me a Christmas Chewbacca (or just a Christmas wookiee – how can one really tell?), which was nice.  My new space is a bit smaller, but on the plus side, I’m in an open pit now, which means I can look around and see many people (that I assume I’ll be working with) rather than drab cubicle walls.

Directly in my line of sight is the back of Hunter’s head, which is quite nicely tended.  I think he uses a very nice shampoo and conditioner, or perhaps has a personal concierge that washes it for him.

I shall ask him and report the answer tomorrow.

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