Katie & Scott & Simon & Cecily.

Tag: books (Page 2 of 2)

Day 162: monkey king

I have a thing for the monkey king.


Part of it is because he’s one of the early superheroes I remember from my Chinese youth.  Much like young American children were excited about Superman or Batman’s next adventure, I still have a graphic novel of the monkey king from my youth, even though it’s entirely in Chinese and I can’t read any of it anymore.  Imagine if instead of the Marvel and DC universe, your pantheon of superheroes was limited to essentially one major character.

I dressed as the monkey king one year for Halloween, even though I had to explain it to everyone I ran into.

I went and saw the mediocre children’s movie The Forbidden Kingdom last year because it had the monkey king as part of its main storyline.

I bought the relatively good graphic novel American Born Chinese after flipping through the first few pages and seeing references to the monkey king.

It’s one of the few Chinese childhood things that I distinctly remember.  There’s one especially vivid memory I have of riding in the back of my parents car, reading a monkey king comic.  I started feeling extremely nauseous and eventually barfed on my book.  I was very upset and loved the book so much that I didn’t want to throw it away, despite the fact (or perhaps my childhood mind couldn’t process) that the book was soaked and would always smell a bit like vomit.

That’s the power the monkey king had (and still has) over me.

Day 107: reading out loud

Maybe part of it is the self-indulgent fact that I like the sound of my own voice, but I think that more people should read out loud.

Aside from random school presentations and other opportunities for learning, the first time I remember reading something out loud to other people was in a summer program during high school.

For some reason, someone in the group of friends I had formed at this program needed to read A Prayer for Owen Meaney during that summer, and I offered to help make the reading more pleasant by holding a daily storytime where I would read the book aloud to everyone, chapter by chapter.

And, for some inexplicable reason, my friends agreed.  So we would cluster ourselves in the basement of our dorm each evening, and I would read the book to them out loud.

It was wonderful.  It also was my introduction to John Irving, for which I am also quite grateful.

I still read aloud, but only to Katie now, and not as often as I (or she) would like.  I think the reason I find it so enjoyable is because it’s a kind of sneaky way of turning an activity that is designed to be private into a shared experience.

That, and the theatricality of turning a story from words on a page into sound.  As a reader, there are certain powers that I enjoy, such as the tone and pacing of the piece that may not be entirely evident just as words on the page.

I encourage everyone to try it.  Find someone to read to, or who will read to you.  Not everyone will comfortable in the former group, of course, but it’s worth a try.

That, and you get to do voices, which is – of course – the best part.

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