Katie & Scott & Simon & Cecily.

Tag: baby (Page 3 of 7)

Day 329: babies poop a lot

That’s the main lesson I learned at tonight’s Breastfeeding Basics class.  Most of the breastfeeding stuff, while interesting, did not shatter my world view.

I was not aware, however, that newborns are expected to have at least 10 wet or poopy diapers a day.  That’s a bare minimum!

I’m not sure how this tiny fact had escaped me before, being someone who’s usually very interested in both numbers and babies.  Maybe it’s because I soil myself so infrequently that I couldn’t quite make the connection.

But that’s a lot of diapering.

Also, babies really go for that boob.  Their mouths are almost like boob magnets (or maybe the other way round?).  Though, for most guys, I guess that never really changes.

Day 324: resolute

Greetings, 2010!

Two quick resolutions:

  • In one year, be at or below 180 pounds.
  • Find at least 15 minutes each day to read to my son.

Also, two quick games I forgot to mention in yesterday’s post:

  • The West is a web game that, all in all, isn’t that good.  You set your character to go around the old west, doing odd jobs and sometimes fulfilling quests.  You can join a town of other people and build up the shops and other buildings in the town.  You can duel other players.  That’s about it.  But I’ve been playing it, for an hour or so total each day, for the past few months.  This is mainly due to the fact that a group of co-workers play it and discussing our latest exploits in the west has become a major topic of conversation.
  • Surviving High School is an iPhone game made by EA.  Centered around a group of students who go to the fictional Centerscore High School, it manages to deliver a fresh episode each week that promises at least one LOL moment and many little chuckles.  The characters are lovingly created high school archetypes and though the gameplay is limited to a few minigames and mostly dialogue choices, I’ve found myself making time for each new episode and playing several multiple times and watching the different dialogue choices unfold.  What attracts me most with this game is, like the MySims franchise, the characters.  It’s clear that even for this budget iPhone title, the universe these high school kids live in and their backstories have been given some design love.

Also I played Civ 4 for an ungodly number of hours today.  And I’m this close to unifying China!  Through excessive military force, of course.

Day 320: sensitive

You know what’s weird?  I’ve been crying a lot lately.  Or, actually, almost crying.

Now, I have cried before.  I do cry.  I am human.  But I’m not someone who I’d say cries a lot.  But every once in a while, whether it’s because of current circumstances or hormones or the phase of the moon, I seem to get weepy at the slightest thing.

I got kind of weepy at Avatar, when the main character gives the inspirational speech.  I got kind of weepy at Valkyria Chronicles, when a character I had grown quite attached to died suddenly with no warning (and through no fault of my own).  I got quite weepy throughout the second half of Big Fish when we watched it tonight, even though it’s a movie that I’ve seen at least a half dozen times before.

I think what I’ve started to do is to blame all of my emotions on the fact that our family is growing via stork delivery soon.  Maybe the thought of having a baby makes me suddenly that much more sentimental about…everything.  Maybe being a father makes blue alien underdog vengeance, Europan war death, and fictional father-son relationships based on tall tales all very serious business in my mind.

Either way, if you’ve ever wanted the chance to talk to me about feelings, now might or might not be the perfect time to do it, depending on how you react to men that burst into tears at the drop of a hat.

Although, sidenote, speaking of hats, I do need to acquire myself a top hat.  For, you know, occasions that call for one.

Day 317: hark!

My mom is somewhere over Utah right now.  She should be here soon (she got bumped off an earlier overbooked flight for some mad perks) and then we’ll eat a ham.

We’ve also held off on opening any of the presents that came in the mail until my mom gets here, so we’ll have more of a Christmas night than a Christmas morning (unless we just decide to wait until tomorrow and pretend it’s the 25th all over again).

Either way, it’s been a pretty uneventful day.  It certainly is quite different from last year, when we had Katie’s entire family over, and it’ll be a bit different next year when we have an infant.

I suppose every Christmas is different, but it’s hard not to be excited, not only for the love that surrounds me and Katie this Christmas, but for our future Christmases, when we’ll have milk and cookies, presents from Santa, and another little heart to fill with joy and love.

I hope all of your Christmases were joyful and that you enjoy whatever time you have off for the remainder of the year.  May your stomachs be full, your families healthy, and your loves requited.

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