Katie & Scott & Simon & Cecily.

Tag: baby (Page 2 of 7)

Day 340: the naming

The most frequent question we get as imminent parents, behind “When’s the baby due?” and “Do you know if it’ll be a boy or a girl?” is: “Have you picked a name yet?”

Naming is serious business.  It’s a brand that our little human is going to wear for the rest of his life.  It’s a word that he’ll hear probably at least once a day.  And it also is a social message about who he is.

So, have we picked a name yet?  No, we haven’t.  We have a few front-runners right now (Simon, Oliver, Isaac), but we haven’t quite settled on any of them yet for certain.  And while I wouldn’t say that we’re agonizing over the decision, it is something that intrigues me because there are so many factors to take into account.

The name should be common enough that he doesn’t feel like an outsider for having a weird name, but unique enough that he doesn’t feel like he’s getting confused in a classroom with four other students.  The name has to sound good with Dai, and the initials can’t be something demeaning, like STD or LSD.

For our personal sakes, the name can’t be “tainted” – that is, we can’t have known someone with that name that we disliked or had a bad experience with.  It can’t be a unique name of one of our friends or our friend’s babies or other family members (unless we intentionally decide to name it after a family member).

And it can’t remind us too distinctly of one particular celebrity with that name, even if that celebrity is likeable.

There are a lot of guidelines, but in the end, the baby’s name will kind of be like our wedding.  No matter how much planning we do, we won’t account for something – maybe even a future connotation with the name that we could have never anticipated – but the name will turn out to be just fine regardless.

Still, I’m curious: if you had a child recently, how did you go about coming up with a name?  If you know, how was your particular name picked?  Do you anticipate giving your future child a particular name that you’ve always loved?  I’m curious as to how much thought other people give (or have given) to the naming of children.

Day 333: not saving the world

It’s late and I’m pretty tired.

We tried to save the world tonight, from a global pandemic, but failed.  Twice.  It’s sad when you play a purely cooperative game and you lose, because then everyone loses.  No one wins!

I was actually going to go to sleep close to an hour ago, but I instead read some forum posts about the board game we played tonight.  What did people do before the Internet existed?  I guess they didn’t get distracted and went to bed when they planned to go to bed.

It was a good weekend.

It’s hard to believe that there’s only a month of year 26 blogging left for me and two months of a baby-less existence left for us.

Day 332: labor learning

Katie and I are in the midst of a whirlwind of pregnancy and baby-related education!

We had our second prenatal class at Kaiser today. In the previous class (Breastfeeding Basics), we were shown a video where we got to see random women’s boobs. Today, we were shown a video where we got to see a baby’s head coming out of a random woman’s vagina! If it weren’t for the babies in these videos, they’d be totally inappropriate.

Regardless, I like learning about all of this stuff, even if it will probably only apply to a very short amount of time in our lifetimes – after all, today’s class was focused primarily on the labor and delivery process. I like that our instructor compared labor to both a marathon and a train. I like the Powerpoint slides that show what it looks like when they have to use a vacuum to suck the baby out. I like the cheesy videos that, while informative, remind me of the driver’s education class I took when I was 15.

Overall, though, I think these classes are doing their job. We come out of them armed with knowledge and more confidence, a little less scared and a little less intimidated by the biological miracle and wonder of a woman’s body popping out a baby.

As a support person, I think the biggest hurdle I’ll face is the feeling of helplessness once labor actually begins. My body won’t need to do anything and there will be little I can do to relieve or lessen the pain that Katie will feel; it’ll just be part of the necessary process to delivering our child. I think, once I can get over that mental hurdle and feel confident in what I can do to help (emotionally and mentally), I’ll feel even better when labor begins.

Here’s today’s fun baby fact: did you know that babies should face the mother’s back when they’re ready for delivery? Because of the shape of the skull and the pelvis, this makes delivery much easier than if they’re facing forward. This is even the baby’s “favored” position just before delivery, meaning most babies instinctively know to turn the correct way to emerge from the uterus. Amazing!

Day 330: diaper advice

So we’re considering cloth diapers for our incoming baby for a number of reasons, but I wanted to put out some feelers and see if anyone with a baby or child had used cloth diapers and had either good or bad stories to relate.

For those with disposable diapers, don’t feel left out!  Let me know about your experiences, too!  Were disposables convenient?  How often and how many did you buy?  Did you have to get a bigger trash bin to accommodate the increase in garbage bags?

Lastly, has anyone out there used a diaper service?  It’s probably the most expensive option and one we’re not considering too seriously, but I’d be curious if anyone had any glowing reviews or horror stories about those as well.

And a bit of a tangent: how young is your first memory?  I’m not able to remember anything of babyhood, so there’s no way to really look back on my personal experience as a baby and judge what was good or bad or comfortable or annoying.  Does anyone remember being a toddler?

That’s today’s post: all questions, no answers.

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