Katie & Scott & Simon & Cecily.

Tag: alcohol

Day 120: i sometimes wish i drank more

I’m not a heavy drinker.  I’m not the biggest fan of the flavor of beer or wine, and I there’s only so much of a mixed drink I can take before the taste of the alcohol gets to me.  If I want to drink something for the taste, I usually prefer a root beer, other soda, or some kind of sweetened ice tea.  For this reason, fruity mixed alcoholic drinks are my preference, but I can certainly down a beer or wine at a dinner party.

Still, I wish that my tolerance, both in terms of total alcohol consumption and taste for the stuff, was higher.  Drinking is such a social activity in our culture that it makes me feel a bit awkward sometimes to be drinking so little or something non-alcoholic.  I’m sure it doesn’t actually matter to most of the people at the social gathering, but – for some reason – it throws me off.

People also tend to celebrate big occasions or events by drinking, which makes me feel as if I’m not fully celebrating if I’m only there to socialize and eat the peanuts.

I also don’t think I’ve ever actually been drunk.  I’m sure it’s a pleasant state, but getting there isn’t particularly appealing to me.  Is there a way to get myself there?  To appreciate the simple pleasures of downing a six-pack or a few shots and letting the buzz wash over me?  A 12-step program toward more alcohol?

I feel like I missed out on that course in college.

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