Katie & Scott & Simon & Cecily.

Tag: 2009

Day 323: 2009 favorites (video games edition)

This is a bit of a continuation of yesterday’s post, except that this post is devoted solely to video games. Obviously, even as a person who is entrenched in the industry, I was not able to play every game that came out this past year – not even all the well-hyped AAA titles!

With that disclaimer, here we go!

Major Trends: Digital Distribution and Indie Games
Until 2009, I had purchased three games on Steam. This year alone, I bought over a dozen games and packs on Steam and Direct2Drive. Whether it was the great deals that Steam rolled out every weekend of the year or the ease and increased confidence I had in trading away my money for just bits, this was definitely the year I gave in to Steam.

A big factor was the fact that a lot of the games I bought were indie games instead of full-priced $50 retail games. I’d say about half the games I bought were sub-$10 indie games, with the other half being sub-$20 older games that I hadn’t had a chance to play but I knew would run flawlessly on my computer.

Titles That Lived Up to Their Hype: Batman: Arkham Asylum and Modern Warfare 2
Batman was the less hyped of the two titles (in my opinion), and was one of the few titles this year to completely engross me for weeks. I beat the main story, then went on to play all of the challenge rooms multiple times. It certainly helped that a co-worker was playing at the same time and kept me challenged on the leaderboards. Still, I spent far more hours on the game after beating the story than I have on any other game in recent memory…

except maybe Modern Warfare 2. There’s not too much that changed from the formula of Modern Warfare, but nothing really needed to change. The story is engaging and entertaining, the multiplayer gameplay is great fun (and the leveling up mechanic is as addicting as ever), and the new spec ops mode is some of the most co-op fun I’ve had with a game ever.

Best Value: Torchlight
I got hours of gameplay out of the free demo of Torchlight before I even bought it. Had I waited a week or so, I could have gotten it for $5 on Steam’s one-day sale, but I have no real regrets for buying for $10 (already 50% off!). It’s a fantastically fun, light game where the Diablo gameplay formula has been tuned to perfection. Run through a dungeon, pick up guns and armors dropped from dead monsters, and feed fish to your pet to transform them into a spider. What more could a guy want?

Game That Exceeded My Lowered Expectations of It: The Saboteur
It was the last gasp of a closed Pandemic Studio, a result of the sad economic climate that video games lived in this year. I expected nothing better than a mediocre shooter with some good flavor. What I actually got was a GTA clone that’s more fun than GTA with an art style that really helps convey the feel of an oppressive Nazi France. Besides, it’s always good fun to blow up propaganda speakers while disguised as a Nazi sniper.

Game That Didn’t Quite Hit My High Expectations of It: Scribblenauts
This isn’t to say that I didn’t enjoy Scribblenauts. But I think I built it up a bit much in my mind. It ends up being a fantastic explorative game but the controls are frustrating and the actual puzzles can be a bit oddly designed. Sometimes it seems that, even though you can create anything in the game, the puzzles are sometimes designed to expect one or two particular solutions.

Best Game from Yesteryear that I Just Played This Year: Valkyria Chronicles
I’m not even done with game yet, but in the 20-odd hours I’ve put into it, it has managed to grip me emotionally multiple times in a way that games often attempt but fail at. The art style is whimsical and charming and the balance of story and gameplay is about right for me.

Best Game from Yesteryear that I Still Play: Trials 2 SE
Am I really still playing this? This game that uses four arrow keys and whose levels can vary from taking less than 5 seconds to over 30 minutes? This game that induces screaming and gnashing of teeth? Yes, yes I am. And I still, somehow, am enjoying it.

And that’s that. I’m in the middle of playing Uncharted 2 right now, and I’m not quite sure whether it’ll live up to the hype yet. Happy new year, gamers!

And everyone’s a gamer. Even you, Elisabeth. Even you.

Day 322: 2009 favorites

Author’s note: This post is ghostwritten by Katie. Scott is busy reading the directions to a new board game we got for Christmas, so he’s dictated his list of “favorites” for 2009. I’m providing the descriptions, which probably won’t give you any real insight as to why he picked them.

From Scott: I wanted to make a best of 2009 list, but seeing as it’s only my opinion on things, calling anything “the best” seems like an overstatement. So instead, here are my favorites of 2009:

Favorite Movie: Where the Wild Things Are
I talked Scott into going to see the Maurice Sendak exhibit at the Contemporary Jewish Museum on Free Museum Day. He wanted to go to the Chabot Science Center, but I convinced him it’d be a better strategy to go into the city during the day and then come back to the East Bay and check out the science center at night, since they have an observatory. It would have been a brilliant plan except that everyone else apparently had the same idea. By the time we got to the observatory there was NOWHERE to park so we had to turn around and go home. The only relevant point to this story, of course, is that Maurice Sendak wrote Where the Wild Things Are, and we got to see a lot of the original drawings that day at the museum. The movie was pretty good too.

Favorite Old TV Show: Lost
I don’t even remember what happened last season on Lost. Time travel? Juliet might be dead? (Oops, spoiler.) They’ve been on hiatus longer than the human gestation period! We’ll have a BABY before we know how this show ends!

Favorite New TV Show: a toss-up between Glee and Better Off Ted
Yes, the singing is fake, and yes, the baby drama is a little over the top, but how many other TV shows have choreographed musical numbers? Glee may be cheesy, but who among us doesn’t love cheese? Better Off Ted is pretty funny too. I feel like there are a lot of shows about people named Ted, though at the moment the only other one I can think of is How I Met Your Mother. That probably isn’t relevant either.

Favorite Theatre Event: American Idiot
For those of you not in the know, Berkeley Rep produced a musical this fall in collaboration with Green Day. The result, American Idiot, felt a lot like I suspect Hair felt like back in the 60s. Disenchanted youth abusing drugs and alcohol to dull the pain of real life…one guy goes off to war, another gets his girlfriend pregnant, the rest of the plot is a little fuzzy. We had seats in the second row. The set was enormous, the music was loud, and the baby had a great time thrashing about in my belly like the dancers onstage.

Favorite Internet Thing (Useful): Google Wave
Umm…Scott sent me an invitation to Google Wave, but I never actually tried it, so I have no comment on this one. Other than I heard from other people that it wasn’t useful.

Favorite Internet Thing (Useless): Yo Balloon Boy
I was disappointed to find out, about 10 minutes ago, that this is an actual internet thing and not just something clever that Brice thought up for his facebook status update.

Favorite Food: Yogurt by weight
I’ve never seen Scott so swept away by any other trend. I suspect it has something to do with the fact that you feel like you can’t get ripped off–you’re paying for exactly what you put in your bowl. That and he feels like an “expert.” And I can pretend it’s somewhat healthy!

Favorite National Event: Barack Obama’s inauguration
We only saw about 5 minutes of the inauguration telecast before heading out to work. We had recorded the whole thing on our DVR but never watched it and it got deleted. We saw the important part, though, when he was sworn in.

Favorite Personal Event: Katie’s pregnant!
I bet we can all predict Scott’s favorite personal event of 2010. Hint: Katie will no longer be pregnant! (And I don’t mean the series finale of Lost.)

Scott: Wow, Katie did such a great job writing most of this post, maybe I’ll make her write all my posts in the new year! Tomorrow, I’ll write a lot about video game this past year, which I would never let Katie write because she’d make video games sound stupid and boring. She once wrote an ode to a Playstation that should never be seen by any video-game-loving gent. It would break a boy’s heart.

Day 14: what to do

A list of all the things I hope to accomplish this year:

  • Ship the Sims 3 to overwhelmingly positive feedback from fans and game reviewers
  • Learn enough guitar to be able to write a song
  • Learn enough German to be able to survive if dropped in Berlin via hot air balloon
  • Buy enough furniture to make our living room look like people live in it
  • Start brushing my teeth more often
  • Start eating breakfast more often
  • Buy less video games, finish more video games
  • Specifically, beat Gears 2, Mass Effect, and Fallout 3
  • Put decorations on our walls at home
  • Take at least one week-long vacation somewhere relaxing
  • Start scooping cat poop more regularly – if not daily, at least every other
  • Reconnect with old friends
  • Send out a holiday something – letter, ecard, PDF newsletter
  • Read at least ten books
  • Watch at least season 1 of The Wire
  • Write a short screenplay or web show
  • Film said screenplay or web show
  • Edit together our wedding video
  • Finish transferring my old home movies into digital format
  • Cook dinner at least one night a week
  • Participate and win NaNoWriMo
  • Start going to the gym again – or at least Wii Fitting
  • Finish watching season 1 of Friday Night Lights
  • Do some improv
  • See more theatre
  • Drink less soda, drink more water

There’s a lot of year left, so I’m sure I’ve forgotten some things, but it’ll be nice to have something to refer back to when I’m bored and don’t know what to do.

It’s funny – it’s only late February, which makes it feel like the year is just beginning.  However, New Year’s didn’t seem that long ago.  If the first two months of this year can pass by so quickly, who’s to say that I’ll be able to slow down the rest of the year?

I better get started on reading those books.

Any suggestions on other things I should be trying to do?  Things you want me to do?  Things you would do instead?

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